Grace: Embracing the Unlikely with Jesus' Love
Mark chapter 2 verses 13-17 challenges our alignment with grace as portrayed by Jesus by drawing parallels to our modern-day relationships. We are to embody the grace that Jesus offers, to welcome even the most unlikely into God's family.
Healed and Restored: The Touch of Jesus Transforms Lives
Mark 1:40-45 introduces us to a leper that experiences societal and emotional isolation. This leper...
Faith through Sincerity and Realness
Consider the importance of “realness”and sincerity within our faith walk in the church community.
Trust: A Journey Through the Wilderness
Jesus’s wilderness journey teaches us what it means to trust the Father completely.
Explore how J...
The Transformative Power of God's Word
Spiritual growth requires intentional discipleship from God's Word in a community that is committed to living out God's Word together.
Understanding the New Covenant of Grace
The New Covenant, a grace which the world deeply longs for but can only find in Christ.
Love: God's incarnate gift through Jesus
Discover the profound simplicity that can be found in the depth of God's love.
Finding Joy Amidst Life’s Sorrows
How true joy can be found in God and not in worldly pursuits.
Peace: a Gift of Grace only Jesus can Give
The world's peace is fragile, but God's peace through Jesus touches our deepest need.
Living Hope: Finding Strength in the Waiting
Waiting is hard—whether it’s for healing, answers, or peace. But there’s hope that goes beyond the w...